$75.00 USD

Money Thermostat

Your set point can be adjusted and reprogrammed when you change your thinking, your beliefs, and your habits that maintain the set point.

But first you need to be aware of what the set point is, what specifically is keeping it there, and what you need to do to shift it. 

The money and weight thermostats give you that awareness. 

What's included:

  • Your personal financial set point. 
  • How much of your energy is abundant and how much is in scarcity. 
  • Your divine financial set point, or your current potential. 
  • 3 specific blocks you have to being more abundant. 
  • The specific abundance law you need to focus on. 
  • The linchpin, the one thing you can do that will shift everything. 
  • Recommendations and journal prompts to make that shift.  

You will receive your thermostat in 2 business days by email. 

Disclaimer: This is not meant to diagnose or be used as medical advice. Please see your physician for that. Everything here is in general terms and is not all inclusive, i.e. there could be other issues/causes that are not addressed in this assessment.

As always, trust your gut more than what anyone else tells you and get clarity from God. These numbers and ideas are approximate and are meant to bring you awareness and a starting point as you partner with God to create more health and abundance in your life.