Julie Hawkes

The Laws of Peace

The Laws of Peace is a monthly program where you will learn how to understand and apply the laws that create peace, abundance and joy, in simple ways so you can take small steps to create big changes and miracles in your life. 

The answers are in the scriptures. 

Let me show you how to find them so you can: 

  • Make better decisions
  • Cultivate deeper relationships with yourself, God and others
  • Make long lasting changes 
  • Create a life filled with peace and joy

Watch this video to learn more!


What people are saying...

“Being in this class has truly strengthened my faith and let me work through some negative things I have been holding onto. Thank you for putting this together. I can’t wait for more.”

-Marie Byer

"I have loved these classes!! I like how you used scriptures to show connections to divine law as this is something I've heard about - but don't have much knowledge or experience on so it was great to learn more. I love the clearing sessions you've done at the end too!"

-Tiffany McLaws

I loved this class! It opened my understanding of Gods laws of abundance. It helped me see that my inherent beliefs were contradictory to Gods ways and were blocking my ability to receive all He has for me."

-Paula King


Can you relate to one or more of these? 

  • Getting answers from God and making decisions feels difficult.
  • You lay awake at night worrying about your family and the choices they are making. 
  • You love God but sometimes He feels far away. 
  • The chaos and commotion of the world feels heavy and hard.  
  • You want to understand the scriptures better but they are confusing and sometimes boring.
  • You want to understand universal laws better so you can have more financial stability.  

The Laws of Peace



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What is Included with The Laws of Peace:

  • 3 Live coaching calls each month, always recorded $450
  • Guided meditations for every situation $250
  • Anonymous help with "Ask a Coach" feature $150
  • Energy work at the click of a button to release, reset and restore your energy $500
  • A community of people to grow and connect with $300
  • Weekly challenges to keep you inspired and accountable $100
  • A library of bonus material and energy work sessions $3150
  • Total Value   $4,900     $49/mo


BONUS: How to Get Clear Answers From God 5 Step Challenge

Each step in the challenge teaches you a simple principle and a pattern to makes it easier to receive clear answers and to trust the answers you receive. Having clarity and clear answers changes everything.

When we live universal laws the way God invites us to, we create more meaningful and effective change. Our lives become filled with love and peace; in spite of the challenges we face.

You will learn: 

* How to get clear answers from God.

* How to understand the scriptures better and love them more. 

* How to create more abundance in finances, health and relationships by accessing and applying specific laws.

* Simple, small steps to access the Savior and His Atonement on a daily basis. 

* How to feel more peace and joy; inspite of adversity, challenges and trials.

A little about me:


I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You don't have to be a member of my church to work with me. But if you want to know how to feel God's love easier, receive clear answers, and be confident in who you really are, I can help. 

I am a Certified Master Energy Coach which means I can help you understand at the deepest level what is keeping you stuck and in pain and what specific simple steps you can take to really change so you can feel more peace and joy. 

I have helped clients in over 4,000 private sessions and 300+ group sessions. 

I know what works and what doesn't work and I know how to hep you get unstuck so you can feel more peace and joy. 

I love the scriptures and I love that all of the universal laws can be found in the scriptures. 

When we live universal laws the way God invites us to we create more meaningful, effective change and our lives become filled with love and peace in spite of the challenges we face.

Join me as we dive deep into the scriptures, and into the laws so we can fill our lives with miracles and peace.  

Here is a little secret...

Invest in yourself. In your mind. In learning the skills that will help you create a life you love!

Commit to learning and implementing the tools and skills that will not only change yourself for the better, but your family too!

No other program combines transformational mindset tools and energy work and walks with you step by step, day by day until you have created a life filled with self- love and peace. 

I am a certified Master Energy coach and change expert. I have helped hundreds of people change their lives, have better relationships, more money, and more peace. 

In The Laws of Peace you will learn the universal laws of abundance from a temporal perspective and also a deeper spiritual perspective as found in the scriptures.

Would you like to understand the laws the way God invites us to live them?  

The answers you are looking for are in the scriptures. 

Join me to learn simple, easy ways to use the Laws of Peace to feel better and create miracles. 


What people are saying...

"All of the self help you could ever ask for is always at your fingertips 24 hrs a day. A quick meditation or an energy session can be what shifts your day to the positive."

-Rhonda Hendershott

"It's a way to improve ourselves and our lives. When we are better versions of ourselves our family is happier and people love being around us."

-Christine Wesemann

"The calls are my favorite. It amazes me that I get messages and ideas of what I need to do, even on the calls that I feel aren't for me. The notes and content really gives me ideas to think about and ponder."

-Pam Peterson


Frequently Asked Questions

The Laws of Peace



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I’m 100% sure The Laws of Peace will help you.

Join now for only $49 a month!


Still undecided?  Email me your questions at: [email protected]

Make the decision to join me now.  I will walk with you step by step.  

It’s time to understand and use the laws of peace in your life to feel better and create a life you love filled with peace and joy.