Personal Sessions with Julie
Do you feel like you have lost who you really are?
Our identities unravel in our painful experiences. Then we redefine ourselves based on what other people think, past trauma, and doing whatever it takes to feel safe. In the process, we lose who we are and our enthusiasm for life. We forget our gifts and talents. We feel depleted, distracted and discouraged.

What clients are saying...

"Julie is a gifted healer. I have been working with Julie and it has changed my life for the better. After 20 years of blocking a huge emotion, Julie was able to find it and help me through it. People are noticing my glow and smile again, thanks to Julie."
Cassandra Stewart

"I couldn't wait to thank you for all you have taught me! I feel like I have grown so much. I'm learning so much. I'm receiving more. Or maybe I'm just understanding what I'm receiving better now. With all I've learned from you, Heavenly Father was able to teach me so much yesterday! And I am so so grateful! More than I could possibly put into words! Thank you again so much! I have so much love for you!"
Shawn Fatheringham

"Thank you for keeping me in touch with your poignant insight and impactful training and materials. You helped me uncover one of the big nuggets I hadn't uncovered yet along my long journey against addiction, low self worth, depression and anxiety... You helped open that door. I just wanted to tell you thank you, you have made such a positive impact on me and I know many many others, and that you have a special gift...a beautiful gift. Thank you for what you do. Thank you again and God bless you!"