Julie Hawkes

Divine Identity: Unleashing Your Spiritual Gifts and Finding Your Purpose.

Do you ever compare yourself to others and feel like you just don’t have any talent? 

Or that everyone else is so gifted; but not you? 

Do you ever get discouraged believing that what you do doesn’t matter, and you don’t have any significant contribution to make to the world? 

Do you sometimes feel unworthy, unimportant and inadequate? 

Guess what? You have more gifts and talents than you can even comprehend. 

You are abundantly gifted and you don’t even know it! 

How would knowing your gifts and talents change your life?

In this Master class you will:

  • Identify your specific God given gifts, talents and attributes.
  • Discover how your gifts point you towards your mission and purpose in life. 
  • Learn how to leverage your gifts to overcome weaknesses and create powerful self-confidence.  

God doesn't need people who are perfect, He needs people who know who they are!

Amber Wray

"I have developed the strengths of Identifying messages from my Heavenly Father, and calling abundance to me through gratitude to my Heavenly Father and others.

I have a new found ability to be a friend to myself.

If you are feeling a little lost or wondering where the Lord wants you to go next, then you NEED to take this class. You will make new friends, you will learn to HEAR Him better, and you will gain the courage to ACT on those promptings."

The Details:

  • 12 weeks, 10 sessions
  • Weekly, 1 hour, zoom meetings
  • Energy work to clear blocks, balance your energy and settle your heart.
  • Each session is recorded to rewatch.
  • Assignments in PDF form to print and keep so you can dive deep between sessions to get more clarity and accelerate your progress. 
  • $197 per month, 3 months.

Benefits of Group Work:

We all have the same fears and core issues, they just come packaged differently. Participating in a small group can help us know at the soul level that we are not alone in our struggles and we really do belong. 

Some other benefits you can expect from group work:

  • Make new lifelong friends and become part of a powerful community of healing, support, and love.
  • Understand that you are not alone; many people feel the same way you do.
  • Listening to others will help you recognize the similarities in your thinking patterns and habits that are also keeping you stuck and how you too can benefit from the same information.
  • Opportunities to cheer each other on, lend love and support when it’s most needed, and build a community of belonging and friendship.
  • Confidence that we can count on each other to keep everything confidential will further build trust and help each person to feel like they belong.
  • Accountability to help you keep going when you want to give up or quit.

Learn more about who you really are and what unique gifts and talents you possess. 

Julie Cluff, Build a Life After Loss

“Julie is extremely gifted when it comes to tuning into people’s unique talents and gifts.

I’ve watched her share very specific information about someone’s gifts who she just met!

She has a tremendous talent that I have personally benefited from. I took her gifts program and was absolutely blown away at the information she shared with me about my particular talents.

I could see and feel the truth of what she shared with me, even when it was stretching me to see it in myself.

I have read, reread and studied the insights she has shared with me and it has blessed my life tremendously. I’m a better wife, mom, grandma and business owner because of my work with Julie in her gifts program. 

Now I’m enrolled in her gifts group class and I can’t wait for it to start. I know it’s going to be incredible.”

Bring a Friend! Get VIP Access:

The very best way to do something new, is to do it with a friend! A friend will help you be accountable and make it even more fun! When you and a friend sign up for this Master Class, then you both become VIP Members!


VIP Membership is exclusively for those who bring a friend and includes:

  • A coupon for 35% off a private gifts session.  I will tell you what your specific gifts are, what blocks you have to using them at a higher capacity and what specific things you can do to grow these gifts. 
  • A bonus group session, Q&A where we will answer any questions, trouble shoot any challenges you are having and give you any extra support you might need. 
  • I will tell you and your friend what your top Clair gift is. Clairs are the gifts attached to our senses, clairvoyant, clairaudient etc.
  • A personal affirmation to help you have the best possible results with the class. 
  • Access to my Creating Powerful Self-Confidence Mini Course.

What you'll come away with:

  • A better understanding of yourself, and who you are, a deeper comprehension of your gifts, and a clearer vision of your purpose.
  • New friends and a sense of belonging
  • An ability to harness your gifts to overcome weaknesses.
  • More self-confidence and belief in yourself.

Some of the topics we will discuss:

  • How to figure out what your spiritual gifts.
  • How your gifts make you uniquely you and were chosen and cultivated before you were born.
  • How to increase your capacity and access to your gifts.
  • How and why the adversary limits your access to your gifts and flips your strengths into weaknesses; and what you can do about it.
  • How to leverage your gifts to overcome weaknesses and inadequacy so that you can create powerful self-confidence. 
  • How to acquire new spiritual gifts  necessary for you to fulfill your mission in life and have the strength to overcome adversity and challenge.

DeAnna Casper-Farley

“I feel more confident in what God has blessed me with and more confident to keep working on myself. The class has helped me in so many ways. I’m learning to connect on a different level with God and with people and I feel like I can conquer my trials and fears.”

Defining and Refining Your Spiritual Gifts Master Class

$197 per month, 3 months

  • Faith-based program
  • Limited space available
  • 12 weeks, 10 sessions
  • Class begins Tuesday, June 6th 
  • Last day to sign up May 30th. 
Get it Now!